Our SPARKS Authors

Ximena Romero - Kendrick Elementary - Waco, Texas

At the young age of 10, Ximena has already realized her dream of becoming a published author. Her debut story, "Happy's Bad Luck," not only showcases her deep love for family but also draws inspiration from the challenges she has encountered. Through her writing, she seeks to help others recognize the invaluable support that family provides. Ximena is confident that her family will support her as she pursues a career as a singer and doctor. She hopes to inspire young writers to pursue their dreams with determination.  She believes that with dedication, any dream can come true, drawing from her own experiences as an author. Ximena's story reminds us to love our family and stay strong in tough times. She hopes her writing inspires others and shows the importance of having family support.

The next SPARKS Author will be here soon!

We are hard at work and will be very excited to share the next SPARKS Author with you soon. If you want a SPARKS Author to come from your school, contact us today!